What I do is very important to me. I have been designing and facilitating training programmes and workshops for executives for more than 20 years and I love it. My passion and focus is on the people side of an organisation’s success. I like to see how I can help individuals to achieve business results. I use my experience of working in different countries and cultures to create training solutions that meet the diverse needs of customers across a range of industries and disciplines.
Why do I do it? I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity of understanding what an organisation is trying to achieve and then helping them to reach their goal. The training I design and deliver is aimed at building individual and team confidence in the ability to use core skills and processes, which will bring not only business results but also increased job satisfaction.
Who I work with makes my job really enjoyable. Miradorus clients know that people matter and that it is through them that they will achieve their goals and vision.
How I do what I do? By working with my clients and my colleagues in the early stages of data collection and design I am able to synthesise what I’ve heard. I can then create a series of mind maps – I think of it in a similar way to tidying my desk before a deadline looms!
Where am I going? I spend a lot of time in France, Canada and the US. With family in all those countries as well as the UK, I’m never short of places to go and people to keep me grounded.