Simply defined, coaching is one person guiding another through a process with the ultimate goal of some kind of performance enhancement.
A personal coach can take a step back, highlight your roadblocks, show you how to overcome them, and support you as you take action.
We focus on sustainable improvement and our one-to-one coaching and mentoring is tailored to your specific goals.
We can help you:
We’ll match your needs with the right coach, giving you the support you need to accelerate your success.
Created by Jenny Powell on the May 20, 2021
When “life as we know it” ended last March and the world shut down, so did in-person training… With offices closed and everyone working from home, the choice was stark; either adapt to the world of virtual – and fast – or give up delivering any training for the foreseeable future (initially weeks, then months, […]
Created by Jenny Powell on the March 23, 2021
We may have been training virtually but we’ve still been delivering internationally. Every country we’ve worked with in the last year…
Created by Sue Farmer on the March 1, 2018
“I am a failure.” These were the opening words of what became a real outpouring of emotion. Their conversation was fast, words tripping over each other. I looked quizzically, not sure I understood the statement. “I’m almost 50, single and not in a job I love. I look around me and I’m the only one […]