Excellent; a great course, well presented – enjoyed the 2 days.
Our team had struggled to communicate on so many levels before I was invited to complete an HBDI® assessment. I discovered I was a yellow/red thinker – creative, holistic and emotional – while my team members were very green, obsessed with detail, and more process driven. After I’d shared the findings with my team, we all found new ways to get around our differences and work together towards a common goal.
You helped make our off-site a great success! Now the key for me is to figure out how to make this more a part of the fabric of how we think each day.
Do you know how well it is all working since we adopted this approach? Well, we’ve won every piece of business we’ve gone after since working with you.
There’s massive logic behind this compared to what we used to do. The trainer’s past experience helped make the workshop material very useful in real life situations.
The hands on and interactive approach was great – and all the skills will be helpful to me in my role.
All aspects of the workshop were useful – with so much valuable information!
We had a very human trainer; lively, clear – with a wonderful sense of humour who showed passion about what she does.
Miradorus provided us with a practical and engaging approach to accelerating results.
The best training I’ve been on for 15 years with my company.
A very good workshop that made you stand back and really think.
Sue’s insightfulness and perception has enabled me to develop as an individual on both a professional and personal level. Always vibrant, committed and trustworthy her guidance has been invaluable, helping me to focus and believe in short and long term goals.
Sue did a brilliant job of providing a balance of facts, bringing the subject to life and showing me how to put it into practice. Thank you!
Sue helped me realise that I don’t need to stress myself about things which aren’t in my control and that I can I let it be or let it go. These things don’t impact me personally or at work anymore.
The new ideas and challenges to my thought processes that Sue Farmer brings to each session have been really helpful. Sue’s insightful analysis will always lead to some unexpected concepts to explore. When I work on them there are great benefits both in my professional and personal life.
Thank you for the HBDI® session. You were brilliant at engaging them and introducing the concept of whole brain thinking. I have had fantastic feedback on it!
Your extraordinary knowledge of the model and your great facilitator job has helped all the team to understand and adopt the HBDI® theory and practice.
Maddy was really engaging and delivered the training in a way that included everybody, whatever skill level. She had a brilliant ability to make the subject matter come alive… it really got people buzzing and wanting to work.
My team and I have been using the techniques we learnt in our recent Miradorus training session. Whether it’s asking a COO about the major issues they’re facing in 2017 or simply diving a bit deeper into a certain customer’s pain points, it ensures a complete understanding of their issues and for Econocom to be perceived as their Trusted Advisor.
Since attending a recent Miradorus training session I have been able to apply a number of the learnings to my everyday work. For example, enquiring about our customer’s key drivers and challenges has resulted in immediate responses, empowering us with the confidence that we can become true trusted advisers to our customers.
The Miradorus Advanced Client Engagement Skills workshop our team completed was hugely beneficial and we all gained learnings that are directly applicable to winning more business – and having more fun doing it! Since doing the training we’ve seen a real uptake in new business – I’d strongly recommend to other businesses.
I’ve found I’ve been able to build better relationships with customers, understand what they want from me and work out their needs.
Rahila worked with PC World on a project where she was asked to quote for a video wall. Following the sales training she pushed to find out how the wall being used and exactly what environment it was being used in. We really fleshed out that quote and added in lots of different products that we probably wouldn’t had got if we hadn’t taken the training.
Almost too much new work at WSP right now for our group 👍 Must be the training!
What impressed me was how the trainer engaged the whole group for the entire duration. The sessions were very successful, and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this programme to others.
We’ve been evangelical about the approach we learnt from the Miradorus training as it’s worked so well for everyone who completed it. It is now one of the key anchors of the business and has also been integrated it into our CRM system.
The session was fun, engaging and thought-provoking throughout. This is one of the best training courses I have been on.
We recently completed Miradorus training for 30 of our staff and were incredibly impressed with the results. We had overwhelmingly positive feedback from our team who are now selling even more solutions. If you’re planning to do some training I would definitely recommend using Miradorus!
After the workshop I targeted two clients using the Advanced Client Engagement Skills we learnt. I gained them both.
Thank you so much for the time you spent with me today – the two most productive hours of my life. You’re great. And that’s official! You are SO inspiring!
I really enjoyed participating in this training and was pleasantly surprised that all examples were so customised to Parker real situations.The training was very productive, interactive, fun and very useful.
This is one of the best classes I’ve attended…ever.
Since the recent Whole Brain Thinking workshop, the language of HBDI® has been adopted and used both in meetings and individual conversations. The impact of this has been in more effective and constructive communication as well as an appreciation and value of diverse thinking. Interaction between team members has been palpably more supportive.
Jenny’s visit to Kingston University is one of the highlights of our Masters course, so much so that staff members have started attending too. She builds confidence by outlining the common issues when thinking about sales, and then offers a radically different approach – encouraging everyone to think about how they like to be communicated with in order to find the best method of passing on marketing messages. Her impact far outlasts the course – graduates who are now long-employed tell me how she has helped them put together winning teams, create effective marketing information – and (of course) drive sales.
A really fantastic, engaging, fun and enjoyable programme. Tailored perfectly to the business needs, with content relatable to all of our people and their work. Superb material and outstanding delivery.
Teaches you to know yourself and improve your leadership skills!
The trainer was extremely talented and knowledgeable and made the points very well!
Improves people skills, helps you understand yourself and others and build relations!
Mindblowing! Everyone should benefit from this program!
This is an amazing stress buster! Really good for understanding people’s personality! The trainer Sue is a magician!
Very important for people moving from team member to team manager! Sue was the best trainer I’ve ever met!
Very insightful. Very interactive.
Excellent and enlightening! Would recommend to others for personal and professional growth!
HDBI It was informative, eye opening and engaging! I’d recommend to others – it opens up an unexplored side of human behaviour.
Interactive, excellent and extremely helpful!
Thank you for the great training and facilitation! This will give our leaders the self-confidence to have conversations with their team members, providing coaching and feedback in a natural way. This will certainly help us in the journey to better lead our people!
The course highlighted a lot of common mistakes we can make when approaching a customer meeting and offered effective exercises to help us avoid these mistakes and improve our general communication skills.
Informative, perfectly delivered and facilitated! I learnt new skills, I freshened up on old ones, and built relationships with colleagues I don’t usually get to talk to unless there is a problem to be solved. Everyone said how much they’d enjoyed the sessions and that they were already missing not having one next week.
It’s going really well – great great course truly! So glad we decided to go ahead with it!
I’ll be going forward with increased awareness! Really useful and fascinating!
A real ‘stop the world’ moment.
I’ll really miss not coming back next Wednesday – this has been a highlight of my week
I spoke with each one of the participants, they all said it was the best session they have had, they have realized the potential for improvement and learned quite a bit. Was very happy about each individual feedback. And they think Guy is a great trainer!
Thank you Jenny, and for hosting the always interesting team building and Executive Team training!
It was an excellent session and one of the best leadership trainings I have ever attended. Brilliantly executed and thanks to all those simple and concise materials (yet very informative) you have shared. Greatly appreciate all your efforts in organizing meeting rooms via Zoom, engaging us in activities which was lively and very much useful. I would be more than happy and highly recommend our budding “Leaders” within my team to attend this training session without a second thought.
Learning business and organisation were very useful! They gave me the tools to identify an appropriate solution for my customer’s needs. I also loved learning active listing. I’d recommend the experience to others, because it opens your eyes!
They were great – so client-focused! They understand customer service and how to apply it day-to-day. Their project management was extra-responsive and extra-reliable. Their communication was always clear, and if we needed to adjust anything at the last minute, it was never a problem. The way they turned the examples into practical exercises was amazing. From our first meeting at the airport in August, through to the first delivery in December, they worked at speed, but, most importantly, they didn’t compromise on quality. Their commitment to excellence, and their attention to detail throughout, was outstanding. The team were great to work with, always smiling. I personally learnt a lot from them
I used the delivering bad news theory the same evening to tell a customer that they had filled the hydraulic tank with the wrong grade of oil.
I would definitely recommend this sales training, it’s the most The most useful course I ever had in Orange!
I loved the under-pressure profiles! They’re invaluable in helping me understand how we react during rush hour service when it’s full on.
The value selling program is a booster for everyone to become what our customers are looking for, a trusted advisor. The mix of theoretical and practical lessons were well understood, easy to follow and much appreciated. During several meetings at customers and even internally I could observe, the positive impact as we applied what we learned to create more value-added conversations and opportunities.
The workshop was amazing , informative & valuable!
I have been constantly practicing /indulging myself in providing Actionable Feedback and it has worked wonders for me so far. Few benefits I have seen is :
I wish all my teachers were like Guy! I really learnt a lot, and it’s already helping me a lot in my job and private life. Thank you for being positive, and your incredible ability to share good humour even through a screen.
A massive thank you to you both for your time and enthusiasm during the training course. I must admit I was not sure what I was going to learn through this training but how wrong I was. Extremely useful material and the delivery was pitched just right.
Thank you for an excellent 2 days training earlier in the week. I know I personally and the team got a whole lot from it.
First of all thank you so much for the incredible passion you have delivered to the team during the “I AM Parker” training sessions. It was a great experience and certainly one of the best training I have ever took part and I’m sure the reason behind this is your character.My team have been putting into practice the skills you taught immediately!
The workshop was a safe space where I felt I can put what I learnt to immediate use. Role playing showed me I sometimes try to find a solution instead of actively listening. I will be putting the concept of advocacy vs inquiry into use straight away!
I found the IBOAT very useful — it starts the conversation and builds an agenda. The breakout rooms helped put things in perspective. I will immediately put into practice the teaching on understanding customers’ needs.
Excellent training session. I’ll immediately use more open questions and practice active listening. I’ll definitely recommend it to others!
The training was very insightful, The overcoming objections framework had a great structure and reminded me to dig further before attempting to resolve a customer’s concern. The tools and practices used here are transferable across many facets of business and life, not just sales.
The training was perfect.
I thought that I already mastered a few of those skills before attending the program, but taking a deeper dive in all of these different ways I can improve customer focus/satisfaction was really useful.
It gave me proper options/suggestions to deal with angry customers, which I found really useful.
It was all is extremely well presented and had just the right amount of interaction.
I also liked the idea of rephrasing some sentences when talking to customers so it will sound less like I am giving them an order but rather suggesting that they to do something
I would recommend the training to others for three simple reasons: great interaction, extremely well presented and definitely useful for service providers.
I think all skills and concepts were very useful and applicable in my daily work, the examples were good and clear. The trainer was excellent, clear in their presentations, creative with their examples and the sessions dynamic. I would recommend the programme, it has been very valuable, with important information for our work.
As an experienced Cust. Service rep, I felt I knew it all. However, this was very helpful. Good job!
One of the best training leads I have seen in a while! The trainer was very good at getting things done, on task, without either being overbearing or distracted. That can be really hard especially with this team. The breakout rooms were effective.
I will straight away use the questioning techniques, the what is the issue, why is this important, etc they are valuable concepts to have, and provide a useful structural framework.
Everything was valuable. I actually enjoyed the breakout groups which typically I don’t. They allowed for great collaboration with team members I have never met or worked with in the past.
I would recommend this workshop, as I believe it would be very valuable to my team and or anyone for that matter. It was a delight to work with the trainer and they kept us on our toes no matter the time zone 🙂 The Actionable Feedback – Success / Guidance gave me more of an understanding on how to deliver feedback.
The workshop was insightful, delivered in a fun, interactive manner. I loved understanding the different thinking styles and how different members of my team react to pressure and I will now communicate with them in a way that matches their thinking.
A brilliant day ! I enjoyed getting a better understanding of my own preferences as well as my colleagues’, which will help us become the best team possible in the future. I can now give consideration to who can help me when I become stuck with a problem at work, depending on their thinking preferences. Whilst the breakout session and hearing feedback on ourselves was slightly uncomfortable, I think our group shared some really useful insights with each other which will hopefully help us going forwards.
It was amazing how the trainer knew our specific eco-system so well! Since the workshop I’ve already used pre-call planing technique four times!
The training was essential, Everything was useful and I will immediately use the meeting preparation, adaptation to people, and ways to be more successful with a customer techniques. I will recommend this to my whole team!
Unbelievably educational! Such a valuable exercise, I really appreciated it and all the time you spent walking us through the meanings [of our HBDI®] profiles.
Every Parker employee should take this training since it will enhance daily life for all and help to improve our customer service and customer experience.
The self assessment and feedback session, produced some very honest and personal discussion which encouraged new bonds and appreciation within the team.I learnt so much about my team in one day, really helpful!
Jenny is extremely knowledgeable and shared plenty of examples to bring the theory to life. I particularly enjoyed the content on the neuroscience behind. Jenny flexed the session content to allow for organic discussion amongst the group, gently steering our focus back without it feeling like conversation was being stifled. I loved getting to know other team members profiles and preferences throughout the session. Exploring the characteristics of each quadrant.
Super insightful and helpful.
The concepts delivered were very valuable and the trainer was very knowledgeable and engaging It’s been very helpful to define and polish the skills that many of us already have as well as to improve areas we are not so confident in. We need more people (everyone!) in our business to have a solid understanding of what service excellence looks and feels like. I have been discussing the upcoming face to face classes with team members and am sure they will get a lot of value from it. Overall, invaluable!
The trainer was very experienced and knowledgeable – very good in understanding when a break was necessary and keeping the attention high yes – an innovative programme with a great mix between theory and practice, I would definitely reocmmend.
Doing HBDI® with your colleagues is a game changer!
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