Miradorus Masterclass Series: Communication – The Hidden Secret To Business Success

Masterclass 1 – Communication Skills

In Masterclass 1 – Communication Skills – Sue and Jenny demonstrate that not understanding the power of our words can create challenges with office morale and productivity. They teach three key communication concepts, which when understood, form the basis of  successful communication in the workplace.  When these concepts  – the What and the Why, the Intent and Effect, and the Facts and Feelings  – are applied  to our communication,  we can make sure  that what we want to say lands with the desired effect – and therefore creates  a happier, settled, productive and profitable team.


Masterclass 2 – Communication & Thinking Preferences

Are you a straight talker who always get right to the point? Do you need to cover every detail and outcome, regardless who is listening? Or do you prefer to speak intuitively, and always take into account the emotions of the person you are talking to?

Masterclass 2 – presents  a new, deeper layer of communication skills –  a layer that drives everything we do in life:  Thinking Preferences. Sue and Jenny teach that we tend to view others as if they think and feel the same way as us, when the truth is we all think and communicate differently. By understanding  our Thinking Preferences – using specifically the Hermann Brain Dominance Model® – we can understand not just our own needs but, more critically, those of others as well.

In this masterclass, Sue and Jenny explain the Hermann Brain Dominance Model®  in clear, easy-to-understand language.  Once we understand the model, we have a powerful tool which can then enable our communication to be as aligned to our colleagues as individually as it possibly can.  Once you understand how Thinking Preferences work, you’ll never approach workplace communication in the same way again.


Masterclass 3 – Communication & Thinking

In Masterclass 3 – Communication & Thinking – Sue and Jenny take a deep-dive into how communication skills and thinking preferences  work in the real world. They explore an extended role-play situation between Jenny and her Boss in which Jenny is fearful for her job even though her Boss simply wants to encourage and praise her.  Sue skilfully unpicks the dynamic between Jenny and her boss, illuminating  the difference between the reality of the situation and how Jenny’s thinking preferences are fuelling her judgements, stories and expectations  and leading her to needlessly consider quitting her role. In this role-play Sue and Jenny teach an important life lesson – that we experience life from the inside out.  They show us how to focus on what we really truly know in any communication situation,  using just the moment in time in which we communicate, and therefore avoid being dragged down by the unhelpful thinking patterns we have. This lesson teaches one of the powerful lessons on thinking and communication you can learn.


Masterclass 4 – Communication & Stress

Masterclass 4 – Communication & Stress consolidates the lessons from our three other masterclasses. It revisits and extends  the role-play from Masterclass 3 from a new perspective –  the experience of stress.

Sue teaches that Stress is taken for granted and accepted as normal in today’s workplace.  By looking at the subsequent events that unfold after Jenny’s meeting with her boss, and examining in detail the stress that Jenny experienced,  Sue makes clear how unnecessary, and how unproductive stress  in the workplace is.
This webinar teach us to draw on our  communication  toolbox. In using  the What/Why, Intent/Effect Facts/Feelings, considering the  Thinking Preferences in any situation, and understanding that we create our life from the inside out,   – we can create situations where we are understood by those around us,  where we avoid stress, and achieve success.