When “life as we know it” ended last March and the world shut down, so did in-person training… With offices closed and everyone working from home, the choice was stark; either adapt to the world of virtual – and fast – or give up delivering any training for the foreseeable future (initially weeks, then months, […]
We may have been training virtually but we’ve still been delivering internationally. Every country we’ve worked with in the last year…
“I am a failure.” These were the opening words of what became a real outpouring of emotion. Their conversation was fast, words tripping over each other. I looked quizzically, not sure I understood the statement. “I’m almost 50, single and not in a job I love. I look around me and I’m the only one […]
I’d like to share this brief extract from my second “Transforming Mind Matters” podcast with Social Media Angel Katie Brockhurst, where I shared a recent anecdote: “I had a bit of an interesting week. I was lucky in that I had the opportunity to observe a board meeting in preparation for some development work I am […]
The answer to your woes never lies in changing “out there”. You can always find it by looking “in here”. I wonder how many times I walk away from a meeting with an executive under pressure thinking, “Wow, when will they stop and slow down for long enough to hear the answer inside?” I listen […]
We’re all feeling the effect of information overload at the moment. Switch on the radio, TV, Facebook, Twitter, we are bombarded with it. Google anything you like and you’ll receive one billion results. Never before have our brains been exposed to so much information. We’re becoming aware of the importance of quiet time. More and […]
Recently I came across this lady…let’s call her Sarah – she is holding down a very full-time and demanding job, where she is responsible for servicing and supporting clients and suppliers alike. She also has a team to develop and look after. She is a mother of 2 – one knocking on the door of […]
Thought Gen X was tough to manage and motivate? Well, what about Generation Y, otherwise known as the Millennials? Those born between the early 80s and the early noughties fall into this category. They are now well and truly a part of the workforce and present a whole different array of opportunities and challenges. They […]
“How old should you be to ensure you are a good leader?” This was an intriguing question asked by one of my coaching clients recently. And the question comes from an over used exercise, that is still referred to by many, so called, leadership development sessions where people are asked to; “Think of a great […]
Sooner or later in most organisations, there is a need for creativity. Often executives, tasked with the job of “becoming more creative”, cast around for those creative types – you know the ones I mean – the ones who may have lots of ideas, but who seem to speak a different language. They are often […]