Back In The Training Room

Since we knew that restrictions would be easing last week we’ve noticed an increased demand for in-person training. After an extended break, many teams are tentatively finding themselves back in the same physical space, getting to know each other, all over again. In just the last 10 days, we’ve worked with 3 teams “in the real world” using The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI®) and Whole Brain Thinking to renew the bonds that have been challenged by 16 months of remote working, uncertainty and anxiety. In addition, teams are grappling with what hybrid working means and will look like for their team.

Zoom has been indispensable during this time and enabled teams to continue functioning, but there’s so much that video calling hasn’t been able to replace: that personal connection, reading colleagues’ body language, visual clues and shared humour.

I wondered how different these workshops would be from our Zoom sessions. I was reassured and heartened to see participants’ relief and appreciation to be back as a team, moving around and interacting. I was reminded how effective HBDI® is in bringing people together quickly and introducing a common language and mutual understanding after working in solo silos for so long.